222 10th Avenue E
H+dlT Collaborative and Elliott Bay Builder Group, LLC, are partnering on a new townhouse project at 222 10th Ave E in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. The proposed site is going through Streamlined Design Review to allow for demolition of an existing single-family residence and new construction of (8) townhouse units. Required refuse and recycling receptacles, along with bicycle storage will be provided on site.
Address: 222 10th Ave. E.
SDCI #: 3039935-EG
Zoning: MR (M1)
Project Contact: Nathalie Doyle / H+dlT
Email: eco@hdltcollaborative.com
In Equity Area: No
We welcome your comments and feedback! Click here:
Early Community Outreach - 222 10th Ave. E. Townhomes (SDCI #3039935-EG) Survey (surveymonkey.com)
You can also enter the project address or SDCI project number in the design review calendar (http://designreviewoutreach.seattle.gov/) and the Seattle services portal (https://cosaccela.seattle.gov/portal/).
You can learn more about Early Community Outreach for Design Review on the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods website: (https://www.seattle.gov/neighborhoods/outreach-and-engagement/design-review-for-early-outreach).
*Please note that information collected in this outreach may be made public.